Fitness Tip of the Day!
Worst Exercise Ever?
The "plank." (ie., holding your body in a fixed horizontal position, just your toes and forearms touching the ground). Stuart McGill, PhD states that a sustained contraction of the long thin muscles of the back can rapidly deplete these muscle cells of oxygen. Depleting cells of their oxygen supply is never a good thing!
Product Details: Mythos Axeler
Product Name:
Mythos Axeler
Shoes - Road Running
List Price:
Cushioning (1-5):
3 - Intermediate
Flexibility (1-5):
4 - Flexible
Ideal For (body type):
Heavy runners
Ideal For (foot type):
High arch
Special Features:
Plastic arch contains a steel cable.
Weight (Mens Size 9):
11.5 oz.
Weight (Womens Size 7):
9.6 oz.