SEARCH:       Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Fitness Tip of the Day!
Running vs. Walking
If you run a mile, you burn up about 40% more calories than if you walk a mile. This holds true both on the road and on a treadmill.

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Mobile App

Our innovative and award-winning app "Exercise Calorie Converter" converts the calories in restaurant foods and beverages into minutes of exercise.

Version 3.0 -- released in Spring 2017 -- offers more restaurants, over 6000 foods and beverages, a Quick-Check tool for foods not in the database, and some cool sharing functions. (NOTE: Version 3.3 was released February 2018.)


Today's Featured Topics

Not Enough Exercise vs. Too Much Sitting
It turns out that there is a difference between too much sitting and too little exercise. Even if you get your 30-minute walk in, if you sit for the rest of the day, those health benefits will be lost. Sitting all day is the new smoking: don't do it! Read more...

Exercise Motivation Part 2: Psychology
Research shows that selecting exercise activities that match your personality type will help you maintain a regular fitness program. Read more about it at: "Exercise Motivation Part 2: Psychology"

Walking is a great form of exercise for almost everyone. While it won't prepare you to compete in a triathlon or tennis tournament, it certainly will help you lose weight, and lower your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The current recommendation is 10,000 steps per day. To keep track, you're going to need a good pedometer. Learn more at: "Pedometers"

Exercise Books and Videos

TITLE:  "7 Weeks To A Triathlon"
AUTHOR:  Stewart B, Elliot L
LENGTH:  142 pages
LIST PRICE:  $14.95

"7 Weeks To A Triathlon" is a succinct guide for training for your first triathlon. It's written by 2 accomplished triathletes. Read our review...

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