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Fitness Tip of the Day!
Walking and Dementia
A 9-yr study of elderly adults (mean age 78 yrs) showed that those who walked the most (on a regular basis) had a reduced risk of cognitive impairment. (source: Neurology, Oct. 19, 2010.)

Bryce Canyon Hike (DVD)

Author: Gosling T
Category: Exercise DVD
Audience: Consumer
Length: 60 minutes
Publisher: E-scape Fitness Videos
  Year Published: 2004
List Price: $19.95® Rating: Excellent!

Walking on your treadmill can get pretty boring.  Here's the solution to that:  Pop this DVD into your player and imagine hiking along Queen's Garden/Navajo Trails in stunning Bryce Canyon, Utah. (approximately 1 hour in length)

Note also that the publisher will donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this DVD to the National Park Service.

Produced by E-scape Fitness Videos.  Dozens more titles are available at:

Reviewed by: Stan Reents, PharmD 6/23/2012 9:50:48 AM

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