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Fitness Tip of the Day!
Bicycling Cadence
Research shows that optimum power and efficiency occur when your pedalling cadence is 70-90 strokes per minute. On flat terrain, during the Tour de France, professional cyclists averaged 89 rpm (source: MSSE, August 2001).

The Woman Triathlete

Author: Gandolfo C, et al.
Category: Sports Performance
Audience: Elite Athlete
Length: 237 pages
Publisher: Human Kinetics
  Year Published: 2005
List Price: $21.95® Rating: Excellent!

The Woman Triathlete reviews all aspects of training for a triathlon. Despite the title's slant towards a female audience, this book contains excellent information that both men and women can use.


The authors represent a collection of present or former female triathletes. The editor, Christina Gandolfo, is the editor in chief of Her Sports magazine and the former editor in chief of Triathlete magazine. Gandolfo is also an active triathlete and distance runner.


The book is organized into the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1:  Training in Three Sports, Excelling in One
  • Chapter 2:  Setting Your Triathlon Goals and Planning Your Training
  • Chapter 3:  Streamlining Your Swim
  • Chapter 4:  Building Power on the Bike
  • Chapter 5:  Running Strong to the Finish
  • Chapter 6:  Balancing Training and Recovery
  • Chapter 7:  Strengthening and Testing Your Performance
  • Chapter 8:  Getting Set for Spring Racing
  • Chapter 9:  Succeeding at the Olympic Distance
  • Chapter 10:  Taking the Long-Distance Challenge
  • Chapter 11:  Winning the Mind Game and Staying Motivated
  • Chapter 12:  Gearing Up for Triathlon
  • Chapter 13:  Fueling for Optimum Performance
  • Chapter 14:  Managing and Avoiding Injury
  • Chapter 15:  Training Through Pregnancy

As you can tell by the chapter titles, this book covers triathlon training from every angle. It provides fairly detailed training plans in a nice table. Chapter 4 even has a good discussion of bikes. The information is very practical. The chapter on sports nutrition is solid and credible and no sports supplements are recommended (this is a good thing).


I found The Woman Triathlete to be an excellent summary of triathlon training. Despite the title, all triathletes -- male or female -- would find this book valuable.

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Reviewed by: Stan Reents, PharmD 9/18/2020 11:02:01 AM

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