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Fitness Tip of the Day!
High Intensity Exercise
Research shows that short bursts of exercise (ie., 30-60 seconds), if performed at a relatively high intensity, can provide even better cardiovascular benefits than sustained exercise at moderate intensity.

Diabetic Athlete's Handbook

Author: Colberg S
Category: Training
Audience: Elite Athlete
Length: 284 pages
Publisher: Human Kinetics
  Year Published: 2009
List Price: $19.95® Rating: Excellent!

Diabetic Athlete's Handbook summarizes everything you need to know about exercising while managing diabetes.

Recommended for: Although the title suggests the intended audience is elite athletes, really anyone with diabetes could benefit from the information in this comprehensive book..


Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, is an exercise physiologist and professor or exercise science at Old Dominion University, and, an adjunct professor of internal medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School. She is also the director of the Human Performance Lab at Old Dominion and is a fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Colberg has more than 40 years of practical experience as an athlete living with type-1 diabetes. She is the author of 6 books and has published hundreds of articles on the topic of exercise and diabetes.


The 284 page book is organized as follows:

PART I: Diabetic Athlete's Toolbox

  • Chapter 1: Training for Fitness and Sports
  • Chapter 2: Balancing Exercise Blood Sugars
  • Chapter 3: Ups and Downs of Insulin and Other Medications
  • Chapter 4: Diet and Supplements for Active People
  • Chapter 5: Exercise and Blood Glucose Monitoring Guidelines
  • Chapter 6: Thinking and Acting Like an Athlete
  • Chapter 7: Preventing and Treating Athletic Injuries

PART II: Guidelines for Specific Activities

  • Chapter 8: Fitness Activities
  • Chapter 9: Endurance Sports
  • Chapter 10: Endurance-Power Sports
  • Chapter 11: Power Sports
  • Chapter 12: Outdoor Recreational Activities and Sports


(review coming soon....)

Reviewed by: Stan Reents, PharmD 6/2/2014 12:03:09 PM

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