Fitness Tip of the Day!
Worst Exercise Ever?
The "plank." (ie., holding your body in a fixed horizontal position, just your toes and forearms touching the ground). Stuart McGill, PhD states that a sustained contraction of the long thin muscles of the back can rapidly deplete these muscle cells of oxygen. Depleting cells of their oxygen supply is never a good thing!
GU Energy Gel - just plain
GU Sports
Energy Gels
When to Use
Before, during, or immediately after strenuous exercise.
Serving Size
1 packet
Total Calories
Energy Profile
100.0% / 0.0% / 0.0%
Glycemic Index
Carbohydrates |
CARBS (total):
25.0 g |
-1.00 |
Fats & Oils |
FAT, saturated:
0.0 g |
FAT, total:
0.0 g |
Fiber |
Minerals |
Protein |
Salts & Electrolytes |
35 mg |
40 mg |
Vitamins |
vitamin C:
100 %DV |
vitamin E:
100 %DV |
Other Ingredients |
Other Information
Carbs: 85% complex (from maltodextrin); 15% simple (from fructose).
Amino Acids: histidine, leucine, valine.